The Company’s Code of Conduct and Business Ethics (CoBE) strengthens our commitment in upholding the highest standards of ethics and integrity in the conduct of the Company’s business and operations, and this applies to all employees, directors, contractors and third parties who represent or act for the Company. The CoBE also contains specific provisions on anti-competitive practices and No Gift Policy.
The CoBE is supported by the PRefChem Anti-Bribery and Corruption Manual as PRefChem enforces zero tolerance on any forms of bribery and corruption.
The CoBE is a general reference for use in conducting the Company’s business and operations. It does not describe all applicable laws or Company policies or give full details on any particular law or policy. It does not constitute legal advice. It does not constitute or create a contract of employment. The Company reserves the right to modify, revise, cancel or waive any policy, procedure or condition without notice and without revision of the Code. Moreover, the provisions of the Code may be modified by the Company to adapt them to local laws and conditions.©
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